título | |
gen. | hoogste verdunning van een stof die nog werkzaam blijft |
fin. | aandeel; bewijs; certificaat; effect; fonds |
industr. construct. chem. | lineaire dichtheid |
polygr. model. | onderschrift; verklarende tekst |
títulos | |
commun. | titelwerk |
dé | |
earth.sc. | D-elektrode |
crédito | |
econ. | krediet |
títulos : 362 phrases in 27 subjects |
Agriculture | 1 |
Business | 6 |
Communications | 17 |
Cultural studies | 3 |
Economy | 21 |
Education | 16 |
Electronics | 1 |
Finances | 177 |
General | 15 |
Health care | 11 |
Hobbies and pastimes | 2 |
Immigration and citizenship | 2 |
Industry | 6 |
Information technology | 1 |
Insurance | 4 |
Law | 23 |
Life sciences | 1 |
Marketing | 13 |
Microsoft | 5 |
Patents | 3 |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | 1 |
Politics | 2 |
Polygraphy | 3 |
Taxes | 4 |
Trade unions | 1 |
Transport | 11 |
Work flow | 12 |