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polit. Housing
gen. dwellings
econ. housing
environ. dwelling; housing
mun.plan. construct. apartment; flat
real.est. home; house
| de
gen. out of
| función
med. output
| a cargo de
 a cargo de
gen. care of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
- only individual words found

to phrases
vivienda f
gen. dwellings
demogr. dwelling unit
econ. housing
environ. dwelling Any enclosed space wholly or partially used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating; housing 1. Dwelling-houses collectively and the provision of these. 2. Shelter, lodging
mater.sc., mech.eng. case; frame
mun.plan., construct. apartment; flat
real.est. home; house
stat. living quarter
stat., demogr. dwelling
tech. quarters
viviendas f
account. dwellings
industr. buildings; housing stock
Vivienda f
polit. Housing
vivienda de función a cargo de la
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Government, administration and public services1