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comp., MS transformation
math. transformations
gen. transformation; finishing
agric. utilization
coal. chem. el. reaction,decomposition
comp., MS transformation
forestr. conversion
industr. processing
med. morphotic alterations
| de
gen. out of
| créditos
hobby cultur. credit titles
| en
comp. at
| empleo
lab.law. job placement
- only individual words found

to phrases
transformación f
gen. transformation; finishing
agric. utilization
coal., chem., el. reaction,decomposition
comp., MS transformation (The process of transforming objects in a 2-D plane. Transformations include rotation, scale, skew or shear, flip, and translation)
forestr. conversion
industr. processing
med. morphotic alterations
stat. transformation of data values
tech. translation
Transformación f
comp., MS transformation (The process of converting an XML document that conforms to one schema into an XML document that conforms to another schema, often changing the document structure in the process)
transformaciones f
math. transformations
transformación de créditos en
: 1 phrase in 1 subject