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tipo de cambio
 tipo de cambio
comp., MS exchange rate; exchange rate type
econ. exchange rate
econ. fin. rate of exchange
fin. rate of conversion; money rate; conversion price; conversion rate; rate
UN account. rates of exchange
| cotizado
bank. rated
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| mercado
polit. Markets
| de
gen. out of
| cambio
fin. money rate
| más
gen. more
| representativo
stat. representative
- only individual words found

to phrases
tipo de cambio
comp., MS exchange rate (The rate at which the currency of one country or region can be traded against that of another country or region); exchange rate type (A classification that groups exchange rates)
econ. exchange rate
econ., fin. rate of exchange
fin. rate of conversion; money rate; conversion price; conversion rate; rate
UN, account. rates of exchange
tipos de cambio
account. exchange rates
tipo de cambio cotizado en
: 1 phrase in 1 subject