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gen. card; menu
comp. board
comp., MS card
tech. tag
| de
gen. out of; from
inet. From:
| suscriptores
comp., MS subscriber
| para
math. to
| programas
patents. programmes
| de
gen. out of
| televisión por satélite
 televisión por satélite
commun. satellite TV
- only individual words found

to phrases
tarjeta f
gen. card; menu
comp. board
comp., MS card (A Web page in WML. WML devices can either display the contents of a card on a single screen or, when necessary, provide scroll bars so that the entire contents of the card can be viewed. Developers need not worry about manipulating cards or decks because ASP.NET mobile controls handle formatting, including pagination, for targeted devices)
tech. tag
tarjetas f
gen. cards; charts
tarjeta de suscriptores para programas de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject