
Google | Forvo | +
gen. amount
math. addition sentence; mental addition; addition; subtraction; sum
psychol. summation
tech. volume
gen. add up
| de
gen. out of
| potencia
fish.farm. trawl gallows
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
suma f
math. addition sentence; mental addition
tech. volume
suma v
gen. amount
ed. total
IT, el. add
law, market., fin. grossing up
math. addition; subtraction; sum
psychol. summation
sumar v
gen. add up; collect 128
ed. total
math. add; equal (e.g., coins that equal the same value = monedas que sumen el mismo valor)
sumir v
gen. sink 128 ; plunge 128
sumando v
IT augend
sumo v
gen. utmost
 Spanish thesaurus
SUMA abbr.
abbr. Sistema del Manejo de Suministros de Socorro
suma de potencia: 1 phrase in 1 subject