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gen. actual stowage; reservoir
construct. major storage dam
environ. storage dam; dike
fish.farm. dam
life.sc. construct. storage dam
transp. construct. barrage; dam
water.res. impoundment
| con
gen. with
| área
forestr. area
| de
gen. out of
captación | rocosa
ecol. rocky
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
represa f
gen. actual stowage
environ. storage dam A barrier of concrete, earth, etc., built across a river to create a body of water; dike
life.sc., construct. storage dam
water.res. impoundment
represas f
environ. dams
represa v
gen. reservoir
construct. major storage dam
fish.farm. dam as with beavers
transp., construct. barrage; dam
represar v
coal. dam up
represa con área de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Water resources1