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gen. recuperation; retrieval
comp., MS recovery
econ. market recovery; recovery of the market
ed. repossession
environ. reclamation
IT tech. recovery procedure
mech.eng. release
| a
comp. at
| un momento
 un momento
gen. one moment
| dado
tech. tap die
- only individual words found

to phrases
recuperación m
gen. recuperation; retrieval; skimming
bank. recovery
coal. ore recovery
commer. product recall; recall
comp., MS recovery (After a system failure, the restoration of lost data or the reconciliation of conflicting or erroneous data)
econ. market recovery; recovery of the market
ed. repossession
el. recover
environ. reclamation; reclamation land
environ., agric. restoration
IMF. rehabilitation; upturn; upswing; upsurge
IT, tech. recovery procedure
mech.eng. release
pharma. repair; repair after radiation effects
tech. restitution; salvage; scavenging; take-up
recuperación a
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Corporate governance1
International Monetary Fund4