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gen. specimen of building element; sample of building element
agric. glass cylinder
chem. buret; burette
mech.eng. coupon
nat.sc. agric. measuring beaker
tech. met. test piece; test specimen
gen. test tubes
| en
comp. at
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| que
gen. what
| se
pharma. engl. Socioeconomic status
| ha
fin. credit
| conservado
environ. preserve
| una
tech. catch
| superficie
ophtalm. surface
delaminación | por lo menos
 por lo menos
math. at least
- only individual words found

to phrases
probeta f
gen. specimen of building element; sample of building element
agric. glass cylinder
chem. buret; burette
mech.eng. coupon
nat.sc., agric. measuring beaker
pack. test sample; random test; spot check; random sample
tech. test tube
tech., met. test piece; test specimen
wood. sample test piece
probetas f
gen. test tubes
UN, tech. tubes
probeta en la que se ha conservado una superficie
: 1 phrase in 1 subject