
   Spanish English
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gen. offer up; sacrifice; present
commun. present,to
comp., MS showcase; render
law submit
mech.eng. approach; position; set
| a
comp. at
| un
gen. an
| concurso
med. medical examinations
| o
gen. or
| licitación
econ. invitation to tender
| para
math. to
| obtener
gen. get
| un
gen. an
| contrato
environ. contract
- only individual words found

to phrases
presentar v
gen. offer up; sacrifice; present 128 ; introduce 128
baseb. field a team
commun. present,to
comp., MS showcase (To present prominently or highlight a project, product, scenario, etc); render (To display video, audio, or text content from a file or stream using a software program, such as Windows Media Player)
fin. file (as in: to file taxes, file a story, etc.); launch (as in: launch a program, initiative, web site, new feature, etc.)
law submit to present, e.g. to present evidence to the court; file (a motion); enter an order; set forth (expuesto / presentado); submit; present (documents)
mech.eng. approach; position; set
meteorol. display
patents. represent; describe; constitute; deliver; furnish; produce; supply
textile show (verb)
 presentar v
law submit
presente v
gen. present
 Spanish thesaurus
presentar v
law Cuando una persona entrega oficialmente un documento a un secretario del tribunal y el documento llega a ser parte del registro de un caso
presentarse a un concurso o
: 1 phrase in 1 subject