
Google | Forvo | +
agric. fish stake; fish weir
ed. fishing and fisheries sciences and management
gen. fishery; fishing bank
fish.farm. ground fishing; ground fishery; fishing trade; fishing area
| de
gen. out of
| erizos de mar
 erizo de mar
nat.res. fish.farm. stony sea-urchin
- only individual words found

to phrases
pesquería f
gen. fishery; fishing bank; fishing ground
fish.farm. ground fishing; ground fishery; fishing trade; fishing area
pesqueria f
agric. fish stake; fish weir
pesquerías f
environ. fishery The industry of catching, processing and selling fish; fishery
pesquerìa f
ed. fishing and fisheries sciences and management (or ciencia y ordenación de la pesca)
pesquería de: 55 phrases in 8 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture16
Fishery fishing industry9
Name of organization19
Water resources2