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gen. comb
gen. comb
agric. grain finger
industr. construct. met. drawing lines; piano lines
mech.eng. chasing tool; rack cutting tool
mun.plan. toothed plate
tech. chaser
weap. clip
| de
gen. out of
| púas
el. spray point
| separadas
gen. discrete
| para
math. to
| desenredar
gen. disentangle
| el
gen. he
| cabello
health. hair
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
peine m
agric. grain finger
industr., construct., met. drawing lines; piano lines
mech.eng. chasing tool; rack cutting tool
mun.plan. toothed plate
tech. chaser
weap. clip
peines m
el. spray point
peine v
gen. comb
agric. finger
industr., construct. beater
industr., construct., chem. yarn feeder bushing
industr., construct., met. lines
mech.eng. mouse
tech. rake
tech., industr., construct. reed; wraith
peinado v
gen. hair styl; hairdo; hairstyle; haistyle; headdress
industr., construct. hackling; hatcheling; heckling; combing; worsted
peinar v
gen. comb
agric. to comb
industr., construct. to reed
peines v
gen. combs
life.sc., fish.farm. scallops (Pectinidae)
peines de púas separadas para desenredar
: 1 phrase in 1 subject