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pharma. engl. PAR
UN ecol. RAPs
gen. pair; pair pear
crim.law. law int. law. even
earth.sc. torque
math. even
phys. couple of forces
stat. el. couple
tech. rafter
| de
gen. out of
| brazos
health. arm
- only individual words found

to phrases
par adj.
gen. pair; pair pear
construct. top chord; truss rafter
crim.law., law, int. law. even
earth.sc. torque
math. even number (número)
phys. couple of forces
stat., commun., scient. wire pair
stat., el. couple
tech. rafter
transp., mech.eng. ring
PAR adj.
pharma., engl. PAR; Population attributable risk
UN, ecol. RAPs
 Spanish thesaurus
PAR abbr.
abbr. Partido Aragonés Regionalista
abbr., UN programmes d'action régionaux
par de brazos
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Power electronics1