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gen. building site
coal. working area; working place
coal. construct. construction site; jobsite
construct. site clearing
environ. building site
tech. construction; volume
transp. working site
| con
gen. with
| contracción
health. contractions
del | curso de agua
 curso de agua
environ. water course
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
obra f
gen. building site
coal. working area; working place
coal., construct. construction site; jobsite
construct. site clearing
environ. building site A piece of land on which a house or other building is being built
tech. construction; volume
transp. working site
obras f
tech. works
UN, econ. site
obra v
gen. work
commun. bookwork
obrar v
gen. work 128 ; behave 128 ; act 128
health. bowel movement
obra con contracción del curso
: 1 phrase in 1 subject