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gen. chignon
gen. handsomely
gen. ape
lab.law. work clothes
mater.sc. fire suit; fire-fighting tunic; turn-out suit
unions. boiler suit
bot. mono-
nat.sc. monkeys
| y
gen. and
| diglicéridos
chem. diglyceride
| de
gen. out of
| ácidos grasos
 ácidos grasos
gen. fatty acid
- only individual words found

noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
mono m
mater.sc. fire-fighting tunic; turn-out suit
mono- m
bot. mono-
mono n
lab.law. work clothes
mater.sc. fire suit
unions. boiler suit
monos n
nat.sc. monkeys
patents. jump suits
mono adj.
gen. ape; monkey
mun.plan. chignon
monos adj.
nat.sc. apes
mona adj.
gen. handsomely
transp. point operating apparatus
mońo adj.
gen. chignon
mono y diglicéridos de ácidos grasos
: 39 phrases in 2 subjects
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