
Google | Forvo | +
agric. industr. cigarette rod; tobacco rod
chem. safety fuse
chem.fib. lock
fish.farm. staple fibre
tech. fuze; lighter; squib
tools bit
patents. wicks
| de
gen. out of
| pólvora
gen. gunpowder
| con
gen. with
| dos
math. two
| camisas
gen. sleeve
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
mecha f
agric., industr. cigarette rod; tobacco rod
chem. safety fuse
chem.fib. lock
fish.farm. staple fibre
med. mèche
tech. fuze; lighter; squib
tools bit
mechas f
patents. wicks
tech. wicking
mecha v
gen. wick; fuse
agric. staple
industr. sliver
industr., construct. rove of jute; slubbing
industr., construct., textile roving
transp. fuse of explosives
mechas partes de herramientas v
gen. bits parts of hand tools
mecha de pólvora: 1 phrase in 1 subject