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gen. Informatics
gen. computing
econ. computer systems
environ. informatics; computer system
IMF. electronic data processing; data processing
IT automatic data processing; informatics
IT nat.sc. information science
| a
comp. at
| nivel
forestr. level
| de
gen. out of
| usuario
comp., MS user
- only individual words found

to phrases
informática f
gen. computing
econ. computer systems
environ. informatics Science and technique of data elaboration and of automatic treatment of information; computer system
IMF. electronic data processing; data processing; information technology
IT automatic data processing; informatics
IT, nat.sc. information science
polit. computer science
informática n.fem. f
dat.proc. computer technology
Informática f
gen. Informatics
informática a nivel
: 1 phrase in 1 subject