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gen. detector; index; indicator
commun. display
environ. indicator
industr. construct. met. tracer
IT flag
IT tech. alteration switch; pointer
IT transp. marker
| de
gen. out of
| sistema
health. system
| de
gen. out of
| control de vuelo
 control de vuelo
tech. flight control
| automático
gen. snap fasteners
- only individual words found

to phrases
indicador m
gen. detector; index; indicator
agric. needler
auto. gauge (e.g. instrument panel)
avia. tab
commun. display
earth.sc., tech. radiation indicator
el. clearing point
environ. indicator Something that provides an indication especially of trends
industr., construct., met. tracer
IT flag; flag bit; prompt; prompt message
IT, tech. alteration switch; pointer
IT, transp. marker
meas.inst. needle
meteorol. proxy
pack. recording apparatus; recording mechanism; recorder
PSP indicating device
social.sc., transp., mech.eng. indicating
tech. attitude direction indicator; feeler; gage; gauge; telltale
transp., el. visual signal
indicadores electricidad m
gen. indicators electricity
indicador de salida y llegada de trenes m
railw., sec.sys. train describer
indicador del sistema m
dat.proc. prompting message
indicadores m
econ. indicators
indicador de sistema de control de vuelo automático
: 1 phrase in 1 subject