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indemnización m
gen. compensation for accidents when on duty or occupational diseases; indemnity payment
econ. indemnification
fin. compensation payment
IMF. insurance claim (MBP5); claim (MBP5)
insur., PR bonus
law restitution
patents. settlement; remuneration; reimbursement
polit. indemnity Compensation awarded to a worker for illegal or unfair treatment e.g. in the case of unjustified dismissal or harassment (Compensación concedida a un trabajador por haber sido tratado de manera ilegal o injusta en casos tales como el despido injustificado o el acoso)
indemnizaciones m
construct. indemnities (exoneración de responsabilidades)
environ. indemnity Financial compensation, reimbursement or security for damages or loss offered by a government, insurance policy or contractual agreement under specified conditions and for specific casualties
law, environ. indemnity
indemnizacion m
law compensation
indemnizaciones seguro no vida m
account. claims non-life insurance
indemnización en
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Social science3