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gen. impurity
tech. industr. construct. pulp and paper contrary; burr
agric. congenerics
chem. el. impurities
el. impurity
industr. construct. trash
met. alloy contamination; contamination by residual elements; crud
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| papel de desperdicio
 papel de desperdicio
tech. industr. construct. waste paper
- only individual words found

to phrases
impurezas f
agric. congenerics
chem., el. impurities
el. impurity; impurity atom
industr., construct. trash
met. alloy contamination; contamination by residual elements; crud; crud deposits
tech. dross; grit
tech., industr., construct. contraries
impureza f
gen. impurity
antenn. killer; poison
chem. dirt; foreign matter; foreign substance
el. impurity atom
tech., industr., construct. pulp and paper contrary; burr
impurezas en
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects