
Google | Forvo | +
bank. tax
law tax
gen. direct; guide; point; control
account. taxes
comp., MS tax
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
| el
gen. he
| valor agregado
 valor agregado
polit. value added
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
impuesto n
bank. tax
forestr. duty import (de importación); export duty (de exportación)
law tax
nautic. freight tax; tariff
patents. fee; duty
tech. lien
impuestos n
gen. direct; guide; point; control
account. taxes
comp., MS tax (A charge levied by a governing authority)
environ. taxation The act or result of a government requiring money for its support or for specific facilities or services; tax; taxation
imponer v
gen. inflict; impose 128 ; demand 128
law levy
 Spanish thesaurus
imponer v
law obtener dinero por el proceso legal a través de embargo y/o venta de propiedad
impuesto sobre el valor
: 2 phrases in 1 subject