
Google | Forvo | +
auto. grade
chem. measure
comp., MS grade
med. concentration of a substance in solution; titre; titer
pack. moisture content
patents. stage
police rank
tech. level
| habitual
med. periodic
| de
gen. out of
| actividad física
 actividad física
health. physical activity
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
grado m
auto. grade (of a fastener, afianzador)
chem. measure
comp., MS grade (A rank or category assigned to a material resource that denotes functional use but not level of quality. A low-grade resource is not necessarily a low-quality resource)
med. concentration of a substance in solution; titre; titer
pack. moisture content
patents. stage
police rank
tech. level
grados m
auto. degrees
grado v
IT arity
math. grade; degree
tech. gon; grad
grada v
gen. harrow; tier
construct. round
transp. slipway
transp., construct. slade
gradar v
agric. harrow
 Spanish thesaurus
grado m
law Alcance de una acción o cargo
grado habitual
: 1 phrase in 1 subject