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fiebre de Texas
health., agric. red-water fever
health., anim.husb. bovine piroplasmosis (Theileria spp.(Protozoa), nosogenum:Babesia spp.(Protozoa), piroplasmosis); cattle tick fever (Theileria spp.(Protozoa), nosogenum:Babesia spp.(Protozoa), piroplasmosis); redwater fever (Theileria spp.(Protozoa), nosogenum:Babesia spp.(Protozoa), piroplasmosis); tristeza of cattle (Theileria spp.(Protozoa), nosogenum:Babesia spp.(Protozoa), piroplasmosis)
med. Lone star fever; Bullis fever; Texas tick fever
fiebre de Texas Babesia bovis
vet.med. Texas cattle fever; bovine piroplasmosis; bovine babesiasis; redwater fever; tick fever; bovine babesiosis
fiebre de Texas
: 2 phrases in 1 subject