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gen. investigation; review
account. inspection
comp., MS scan
econ. examination
health. test
IMF. review
law examination law makes the grant of a patent subject to the results of an examination
stat. analysis; evaluation
| y
gen. and
| control
health. control
| de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| dispositivos de protección
 dispositivo de protección
el. protection device
- only individual words found

to phrases
examen m
gen. investigation; review
account. inspection
comp., MS scan (A systematic examination of files or other data to identify content or patterns that meet specific criteria)
econ. examination
health. test
IMF. review (de un programa)
law examination law makes the grant of a patent subject to the results of an examination
stat. analysis; evaluation
exámenes m
gen. exams
examen y control de los dispositivos de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject