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gen. print; stanza
met. stamp
chem. die-pressing; pressure forming
dye. printing
industr. construct. met. cockled surface
tech. drop forge; pressed; swaging
| mediante
patents. by
| pantalla
econ. screen
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
estampado n
chem. die-pressing; pressure forming
dye. printing
industr., construct., met. cockled surface
tech. drop forge; pressed; swaging
estampado v
chem. matched mold forming
commun. gauffered; figuring; gauffering; goffering
industr., construct. embossing
met. stamping; coining
estampar v
commun. impress; figure; gauffer; goffer; imprint; stamp
footwear to emboss
industr., construct. emboss
pack. die-cut; punch; stamp (blanks); pressure-form; clinch
tech. swage
estampa v
gen. print (A picture, design, or textual image produced by a printing process, such as a block or a plate); stanza
commun. typefounder's ornament
industr., construct., chem. cavity; impression
met. stamp
met., mech.eng. die
nat.sc., agric. shape
estampas punzones herramientas troqueles v
industr. stamping-out tools hand tools
estampado mediante pantalla de
: 2 phrases in 1 subject