
   Spanish English
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gen. diagram; outline; plan; formula; schema; scheme
comp., MS schema
el. outline
IT intension
IT dat.proc. frame
| estadístico
math. sample statistic
| de
gen. out of
predicción | de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| intensidad
laser. intensity
| de
gen. out of
| los
gen. the
| huracanes
tech. hurricanes
- only individual words found

to phrases
esquema m
gen. diagram plan; outline plan; plan; formula; schema; scheme
auto. schematic
comp., MS schema (The set of definitions for the universe of objects that can be stored in a directory. For each object class, the schema defines which attributes an instance of the class must have, which additional attributes it can have, and which other object classes can be its parent object class)
construct. diagram
corp.gov. blueprint
el. outline
IMF. scheme (SCN93); system (SCN93); arrangement (SCN93); regime (SCN93)
IT intension
IT, dat.proc. frame
mater.sc. pictorial symbol
meteorol. framework
stat. chart; graph
tech. schematic diagram
 Spanish thesaurus
esquema m
comp., MS Schema
esquema estadístico de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject