
   Spanish English
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gen. he; him
| porcentaje
forestr. percentage
del | ingreso bruto
 ingreso bruto
agric. gross return; gross output
fin. lab.law. gross earnings
real.est. gross income
 ingresos brutos
busin. labor.org. account. gross profit
market. fin. gross income
| mensual
polit. monthly
del | solicitante
comp., MS requester
| que
gen. what
| se
pharma. engl. Socioeconomic status
| destina
comp., MS target
| a
comp. at
| solventar
gen. settle
| los
gen. the
| costos
law fee
| de
gen. out of
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| vivienda
econ. housing
- only individual words found

pronoun | article | to phrases
él pron.
gen. he; him
 Spanish thesaurus
el art.
gen. FALSE
el porcentaje del: 1 phrase in 1 subject