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textile dissipation
UN wasteful use
gen. offal; swill
chem. waste; refuse
environ. tailings
tech. wood. refuse parts; rejects; sixths
| y
gen. and
| desechos
tech. wood. rejects
| de
gen. out of
| metales no ferrosos
 metal no ferroso
econ. non-ferrous metal
- only individual words found

to phrases
desperdicios m
gen. offal; swill
chem. waste; refuse; tailings (Refuse from barley)
environ. tailings
pack. rubbish; garbage; trash
tech., wood. refuse parts; rejects; sixths
UN discards
desperdicio m
textile dissipation
UN wasteful use (de recursos naturales)
desperdicios y desechos de
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects