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gen. unhook; delatch
agric. unharness
hobby agric. unharness; unyoke
mech. disengage
tech. breakout
chem. el. uncupping
mech.eng. unhitching
mech.eng. el. pulling out of synchronism
| de
gen. out of
| un
gen. an
| vagón
transp. construct. car
- only individual words found

to phrases
desenganchar v
gen. unhook; to delatch
agric. unharness
construct. unhitch
hobby, agric. to unharness; to unyoke
mech. disengage
police release
tech. breakout; uncouple; unlock; unscrew
desenganche v
chem., el. uncupping
mech.eng. unhitching
mech.eng., el. pulling out of synchronism
police detachment
tech. kick-in-out
desenganche de un
: 2 phrases in 1 subject