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law complaint
patents. defendant
fin. asked
law respondent; defendant; defendant; respondent
law proced.law. defending party
polit. law defendant
health. sue
| representado
math. modeling
válidamente | en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| proceso
comp., MS process
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
demandado m
law respondent
law, proced.law. defending party
demandado parte demandada m
law defendant (Civil)
 demandado m
law respondent
demanda v
gen. enquiry; inquiry
econ. motion
ed. lawsuit
environ. demand The desire, ability and willingness of an individual to purchase a good or service. The consumer must have the funds or the ability to obtain funds in order to convert the desire into demand. The demand of a buyer for a certain good is a schedule of the quantities of that good which the individual would buy at possible alternative prices at a given moment in time
fin., IT request
law complaint written statement initiating a criminal or civil action; sue to prosecute in civil court in seeking to redress wrongs; action at law
polit. demand
polit., law application
demandar v
gen. appeal to; entreat; request
health. sue
law file suit; sue (a alguien); to bring an action; take action
nautic. claim
patents. bring an action against smb.
demandado adj.
fin. asked
law defendant the accused in a legal proceeding, trial (Civil); respondent defendant in a civil case
polit., law defendant
demandada adj.
patents. defendant
 Spanish thesaurus
demandado m
law Quien contesta la petición original, es el demandado. Incluso si presenta luego una acción en su propio caso, esa persona es todavía “el demandado” mientras el caso siga abierto
demandar v
law comenzar los procedimientos legales para la recuperación de un derecho
demandado representado válidamente en: 1 phrase in 1 subject