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gen. cross roads
coal. air bridge; air crossing; cross over
el. duct; traverse
life.sc. anim.husb. cross-breeding; crossbreeding
| por
gen. a
sifón | invertido
auto. reversed
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noun | verb | to phrases
cruce m
gen. cross roads
coal. air bridge; air crossing; cross over
el. duct; traverse
life.sc., anim.husb. cross-breeding; crossbreeding
meteorol. intersection, crossroads, junction
transp. grade-separated junction; multilevel junction; two level fork junction
UN, polit. crossing point
cruces m
stat. quartering irons
cruce v
math. intersection streets
stat. crossover
transp. grade-separated crossroads
transp., construct. crossing
cruzar v
gen. breed; cross; interbreed; intersect
agric. crossbreed
industr., construct. to tweel; to twill
med. to cross; to crossbreed
cruzando v
forestr. across
cruza v
gen. breeding
cruce por
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Immigration and citizenship2
Textile industry1