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translation from other languages
gen. loan
gen. credit bureaux
agric. loan
econ. credit
econ. fin. account. income
ed. academic credit
environ. credit
fin. credit limit; appropriation
fin. econ. budget appropriation
| de
gen. out of
| horas
gen. hour
- only individual words found

to phrases
crédito m
gen. credit bureaux; provision
agric. loan
econ. credit; creditworthiness
econ., fin., account. income; proceeds; revenue; turnover
ed. academic credit; course credit; credit unit
environ. credit The financial facility or system by which goods and services are provided in return for deferred, instead of immediate, payment
fin. credit limit; appropriation; credit line
fin., econ. budget appropriation
IMF. claim finance; credit (SCN93)
polit. credit (Use PRÉSTAMO INTERNACIONAL para crédito y financiamiento internacional)
credito m
gen. loan; credit
créditos m
hobby, cultur. credit lines
 Spanish thesaurus
crédito m
law Arreglo o entendimiento de quien escribe un cheque con la persona/institución a quien se lo firma, para el pago de ese cheque cuando éste sea presentado; cto. (spanishru)
crédito de horas
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Labor law1