
Google | Forvo | +
bank. cost
bot. kuth; costus
comp., MS mexic. cost
social.sc. mooter; splint; stick
social.sc. health. cannabis resin; charas; hashish
| para
math. to
| el
gen. he
| usuario
comp., MS user
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
costo m
bank. cost
comp., MS, mexic. cost (The value of an economic resource that is quantified in monetary units and that is measured using an accounting valuation principle)
corp.gov. cost value
law cost (coste); costs (coste)
meteorol. trade-off; tradeoff
social.sc. mooter; splint; stick
social.sc., health. cannabis resin; charas; hashish
textile costs
costo Saussurea lappa m
bot. kuth; costus
costos m
real.est. costs
costo v
gen. price; prize
nat.sc., agric. costus (Saussurea costus, Aucklandia costus, Saussurea lappa); kuth (Saussurea costus, Aucklandia costus, Saussurea lappa)
social.sc. joint
coste v
gen. expenditure; expenses; fee; savour; taste
environ. cost In economics, the value of the factors of production used by a firm in producing or distributing goods and services or engaging in both activities
fin., span. cost
costado v
gen. broadside
agric., industr., construct. shoulders; face; side
transp., nautic. ship's side
costa v
gen. seaside; shore
environ. seashore The zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the low water-line to where there is marked change in material or physiographic form or to the line of permanent vegetation; seashore
costar v
gen. cost
costas v
polit., law costs
costo para
: 10 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund1
Real estate1
United Nations2