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gen. component; part of
comp., MS component
el. element
interntl.trade. assets
math. coordinate
mech.eng. component part
med. ingredient
patents. part
phys.sc. constituent
| de
gen. out of
| temperatura
health. fever
| de
gen. out of
ebullición | elevada
health. high
- only individual words found

to phrases
componente f
gen. component; part of
comp., MS component (Any raw material, ingredient, part or item used to assemble a subassembly, finished good, or used as part of a kit)
el. element
interntl.trade. assets
mech.eng. component part
med. ingredient
meteorol. bean
patents. part
phys.sc. constituent
componente de una magnitud vectorial f
math. coordinate of a vector quantity
componentes f
agric. contents
componente de temperatura de
: 2 phrases in 1 subject