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agric. construct. grading; sizing
environ. calibration
tech. el. calibration
transp. environ. coal. calibrated
transp. tech. gaging; measuring
comp., MS calibrate
gen. bore
health. caliber
| por
gen. a
inserción del | mandril
gen. baboon
- only individual words found

verb | adjective | to phrases
calibre v
gen. bore; calibre; thickness
agric., mech.eng. gage; saw blade thickness
crim.law., law, int. law. caliber
earth.sc., mech.eng. gauge
health. caliber of the needle
mech.eng. template; templet
med. aesthesiometer
nat.sc. size
calibrar v
gen. gauge
agric. classify; grade
comp., MS calibrate (To adjust precisely for a particular function)
footwear measure thickness
meas.inst. gage
pack. measure; meter; calibrate
transp., environ. to calibrate
calibro v
med. gage; gauge
calibre... v
gen. calibrate the...
calibres v
gen. calipers
calibrado adj.
agric., construct. grading; sizing
environ. calibration To mark the scale of a measuring instrument so that readings can be made in appropriate units
tech., el. calibration
transp., environ., coal. calibrated
transp., tech. gaging; measuring
calibrado por
: 14 phrases in 4 subjects