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comp., MS Camera
gen. chamber; small room
gen. camera
agric. head space in a bottle of wine
coal. room; stope
cultur. cameraman
industr. construct. met. checker chamber
law chambers
| de
gen. out of
| compensación
gen. compensation
| reconocida
gen. confessed
- only individual words found

to phrases
cámara f
gen. camera (A device with a light-proof enclosure for forming an image on a light-sensitive medium); House
aeron., mil., navy cabin
agric. head space in a bottle of wine
cinema camera operator; camerawoman; camera
coal. room; stope
comp., MS, mexic. camera (A Windows Phone application that is both a digital still camera and a digital video camera)
cultur. cameraman
fish.farm. bay
industr., construct. chamber
industr., construct., met. checker chamber; regenerator; regenerator chamber
law chambers judge's office; chambers
patents. board
patents., Arg. division
tech. compartment; chamber (de explosión)
camara f
gen. chamber; small room
 cámara f
law chambers
cámaras aparatos cinematográficos f
gen. cinematographic cameras
Cámara f
comp., MS Camera (An app to facilitate the capture of photos and videos by using the PC)
 Spanish thesaurus
cámara f
law La oficina privada del juez
cámara de compensación
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
International Monetary Fund1