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coal. retaining pin; extension rod
fish.farm. mesh side
IMF. bar
industr. drum reel-up
tech. lever
transp. boat tiller; hand tiller
work.fl. diagonal slash
| de
gen. out of
| ruta
environ. route
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
barra f
gen. counter; desk
coal. retaining pin; extension rod
commun., el. flagpole
comp. slash
construct. member
econ. bar
el. boule; ingot
el.gen. busbar
el.mot. half-coil
fish.farm. mesh side; beam
food.ind. loaf
forestr. saw bar; sword
IMF. bar gold (barra de oro)
industr. drum reel-up; Pope-type reel-up
industr., construct. barre
light. barrette
math. rod base-10 blocks
mech.eng. arm
met. bars and rods
meteorol. sandbar
nucl.phys. rod
pack. batten; cleat; ledge; side batten; base ledge; bottom cleat; bottom batten
piez. bus bar
tech. lever
transp. boat tiller; hand tiller
work.fl. diagonal slash; oblique n.m.
barrás f
textile barras; hessen
barrido v
gen. sweeping; scavenging
el. sweep; line; trace
stat. scanning
transp. outswing
barrer v
gen. sweep
baseb. clear the bases; empty the bases
tech. scavenge
barrerse v
baseb. dive into a base; slide
barra de ruta de
: 2 phrases in 1 subject