
Google | Forvo | +
gen. insured person; the insured; assured; assures; insured; safeguarded
insur. insured party; insurant
insur. lab.law. covered by the social security
| contra
gen. across from
| el
gen. he
| paro
nucl.phys. reactor shutdown
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
asegurado n
gen. insured person; the insured
insur. insured party
asegurar v
gen. make sure; assure; insure; secure 128
bank. affirm
baseb. clinch
fin. to underwrite
nautic. warrant
patents. ensure; grant
tech. anchor; fasten; lock
asegurando v
jarg. safetying
asegure... v
gen. secure the...
asegurado adj.
gen. assured; assures; insured; safeguarded; safeguards
insur. insurant
insur., lab.law. covered by the social security
transp. safetied
asegurado contra: 4 phrases in 1 subject