
   Spanish English
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gen. studio; garage
agric. farm workshop
coal. production district
lab.law. craft workshop; shop; factory; staff of workmen
polit. workshop
real.est. workshop
| regional
gen. regional
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
| epidemiología
econ. epidemiology
| y
gen. and
| diagnóstico
comp., MS Diagnostics
| de
gen. out of
| infecciones
environ. infection
helmínticas | en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| ganado
agric. live cattle
- only individual words found

to phrases
taller m
gen. studio (A working place for an artist); garage
agric. farm workshop
coal. production district
lab.law. craft workshop; shop; factory; staff of workmen
polit. workshop (Do not confuse with SEMINAR, No debe confundirse con SEMINARIO); workshop Do not confuse with SEMINAR (No debe confundirse con SEMINARIO)
real.est. workshop
tech. loft; plant; works
textile work-room
transp. constructional work
Taller regional sobre epidemiología y diagnóstico de infecciones helmínticas en
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Name of organization1