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commun. transp. communication network; transport network
comp., MS mexic. network
el. aerial array; antenna array; array; array antenna
fish.farm. fishing net
industr. construct. net fabric
mech.eng. cargo net
| europea
gen. european
| de
gen. out of
| universidades
econ. university
| y
gen. and
| complejos
UN gen. array
| científicos
econ. scientific circles
| de
gen. out of
| agricultura tropical
 agricultura tropical
agric. tropical agriculture
| y
gen. and
| subtropical
ecol. subtropical
| relacionados con
 relacionado con
law connected with
| el
gen. he
| desarrollo agrícola
 desarrollo agrìcola
polit. agricultural development
- only individual words found

noun | noun | to phrases
red f
commun., transp. communication network; transport network; grid
comp. network
comp., MS, mexic. network (A system of dividing up territory into independent areas for mobile telephony (voice and data connections), managed by mobile operators)
earth.sc., el. transmission and distribution grid; transmission and distribution network; transmission and distribution system
el. aerial array; antenna array; array; array antenna; array of aerials; array of antennas; system
fish.farm. fishing net; net; netting
industr., construct. net fabric
IT telecommunication network
mech.eng. cargo net
med. rete
pack. screen; raster
phys.sc., el. mains electricity
stat., commun. lattice
Red f
ed. Web the World Wide (Mundial)
fotografía estelar red f
tech. reseau
 Spanish thesaurus
Red. abbr.
abbr., med. reducción
Red europea de universidades y complejos científicos de agricultura tropical y subtropical relacionados con
: 1 phrase in 1 subject