
   Spanish English
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gen. recommendation; referral
commun. IT bookmark list; hotlist
comp., MS recommendations
environ. recommendation
gen. Recommendation
econ. recommendation; recommendation
| para
math. to
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| protección
health. protection
| de
gen. out of
| la propiedad
 la propiedad
math. property
| cultural
gen. cultural
| mobiliaria
fin. furniture
- only individual words found

to phrases
recomendación m
gen. Recommendation
econ. recommendation (EU, UE); recommendation EU (UE)
law referral
polit. recommendation (Formal recommendations from a meeting or an expert, Recomendación formal dada al final de una reunión o por un experto); recommendation Formal recommendations from a meeting or an expert (Recomendación formal dada al final de una reunión o por un experto)
recomendaciones m
commun., IT bookmark list; hotlist
comp., MS recommendations (A set of features that identify and surface content, people, apps or other items that a user may be interested in)
environ. recommendation Recommendation refers to an action which is advisory in nature rather than one having any binding effect
recomendacion m
gen. recommendation; referral
Recomendación para la protección de la
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1