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gen. supervisory grades; rate-table; reference table; scale
agric. plant bed; nursery bed
cultur. individual picture
el. sequence table
industr. complete picture
coal. square set
| de
gen. out of
| expertos
gen. functional expert
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| Sistema internacional de información sobre ciencias y tecnología agrícolas
 Sistema Internacional de Información sobre Ciencias y Tecnología Agrícolas
UN agric. International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
cuadro m
gen. supervisory grades; rate-table; reference table; scale; schedule
agric. plant bed; nursery bed
baseb. infield
comp. board; box
cultur. individual picture
el. sequence table
industr. complete picture
pack. baling frame; packing frame
tech. cadre; chart; panel (de instrumentos)
cuadros m
coal. square set
fin., agric. charts
cuadro v
gen. picture painting; schedule catalog or inventory; square
agric. ridge; bed
coal. set
commun. panel
econ. executive
forestr. table of figures
inet. frame
IT checkbox
mech.eng., construct. yoke
transp. former
transp., avia., tech. coaming; framing; jamb
cuadra v
gen. stable; stall; sty
agric. barn
cuadrar v
bank. balance; fit
cuadrado v
math. quadrat; square
met. square bar steel
stat. Quadrat
cuadrar v
tech. tally
pulsadorcuadrado v
gen. gate button/key; hash button/key; square button/key
cuadrarse v
baseb. square
Cuadro de expertos en
: 23 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization22