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gen. Congress
gen. convention
environ. congress
h.rghts.act. busin. labor.org. general assembly
polit. congress; congress
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
comp., MS about; envelope
| Agricultura
health. farming
| de
gen. out of
Conservación | Un
gen. an
| desafío
gen. challenges
| mundial
gen. worldwide
- only individual words found

to phrases
congreso m
gen. convention
environ. congress A formal meeting, often consisting of representatives of various organizations, that is assembled to promote, discuss or make arrangements regarding a particular subject or some matter of common interest
h.rghts.act., busin., labor.org. general assembly
polit. congress; congress conference (conferencia)
textile meeting
Congreso m
gen. Congress
Congreso sobre Agricultura de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Name of organization1