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gen. mend
commun. write over the top
law amend
agric. soil conditioner
econ. amendment
environ. agric. soil amendment; soil improvement material; soil improver
IMF. amendment
patents. modification
| a
comp. at
| la Ley
 la ley
math. law
| de
gen. out of
Educación | Superior
gen. higher
| de
gen. out of
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
enmienda f
agric. soil conditioner
econ. amendment
environ., agric. soil amendment; soil improvement material; soil improver
IMF. amendment to the Articles of Agreement (del Convenio Constitutivo)
patents. modification
 enmienda f
law amendment
enmendar v
gen. mend
bank. emend
commun. write over the top
law amend to revise
law, fin., econ. amend
patents. modify; alter
 enmendar v
law amend
 Spanish thesaurus
enmienda f
law Un cambio hecho mediante corrección, adición o borrado
enmendar v
law Añadir o cambiar una demanda que ha sido archivada en un tribunal
Enmiendas a la Ley de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject