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temps de montée
 temps de montée
astr. duration of ascent; time of climb
comp. set time; setting time; ramp time
life.sc. rise
nucl.phys. радиоакт. rise time; first transition time
tech. el. settling time
| d
commun. IT D-star
| une
commun. front page
| scintillation
tech. scintillation

to phrases
temps de montée
gen. time of climb, duration of ascent
astr. duration of ascent; time of climb
commun. build-up time; building-up time
commun., el. rise time of a pulse
comp. set time; setting time; ramp time (of a signal)
el. rise delay time
life.sc. rise; rising period
nucl.phys., радиоакт. rise time (of а pulse, d'une impulsion); first transition time (usually rise from 10% to 90% of peak amplitude, d'une impulsion)
tech. pulse rise time
tech., el. settling time
tech., industr., construct. rise time
transp., el. raising time
радиоакт. pulse rise time (d'une impulsion); rise time (of a radiation counter tube)
temps de montée: 53 phrases in 14 subjects
Automatic control1
Earth sciences2
Information technology3
Mechanic engineering1
Medical appliances1
Nuclear physics3
Thermal Energy1
Радиоактивное излучение8