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système d'alerte rapide
 Système d'alerte rapide
UN polit. Early Warning System
 système d'alerte rapide
environ. early warning system
fin. early warning system
health. Community Rapid Information System; rapid system for the exchange of information on dangerous products
IMF. early warning system model
| en cas
 en cas
fin. IT in case
| d'attaque
construct. tunneling
| par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| agents biologiques
 agents biologiques
biotechn. biologics
| et
comp. AND
| chimiques
earth.sc. el. electrolytic

to phrases
système d'alerte rapide
environ. early warning system Any series of procedures and devices designed to detect sudden or potential threats to persons, property or the environment at the first sign of danger; especially a system utilizing radar technology
fin. early warning system
health. Community Rapid Information System; rapid system for the exchange of information on dangerous products
IMF. early warning system model
pharma., IT, food.ind. rapid alert system
Système d'alerte rapide
UN, polit. Early Warning System (FAO, crises alimentaires)
système d'alerte rapide: 57 phrases in 15 subjects
Food industry1
Health care2
Human resources1
Immigration and citizenship2
Name of organization19
Security systems1
United Nations2