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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
saisie f
bank. confiscation
comp. logging; registration; recording; sensing; gathering
crim.law., econ. seizure
fin., construct. mortgage possession; mortgage repossession; repossession
fin., social.sc., lab.law. attachment of salary
IT grasping
IT, industr. keyboarding
IT, R&D. data capture; data entry
IT, tech. input process; entry; input
law condemnation proceedings; seizure seizure
ling. uptake
polit., tech. input techniques
transp. attachment of property
UN, sl., drug. interception
saisies f
commer. condemned material
saisir v
chem. to apprehend; to catch; to capture; to grasp; to seize; to cask; to grip; to pack
commer., transp., nautic. to make prize; to lash; to secure
comp. capture; grip; trap; gather
construct. catch; clamp
dat.proc. enter; type; key in
health., nat.res., agric. confiscate
law attach; seise seise; seize seize; distrain
law, transp., mech.eng. to arrest; to embargo; to seize
patents. appeal to; refer to
transp. mooring; grasp; seize
welf. keying computer, typewriter
wrest. hold; take hold of; grapple
saisie adj.
commer., polit. embargo
crim.law., law freezing
environ. foreclosure To shut out, to bar, to destroy an equity of redemption. A termination of all rights of the mortgagor or his grantee in the property covered by the mortgage. The process by which a mortgagor of real or personal property, or other owner of property subject to a lien, is deprived of his interest therein. Procedure by which mortgaged property is sold on default of mortgagor in satisfaction of mortgage debt. In common usage, refers to enforcement of lien, trust deed, or mortgage in any method provided by law; seizure The official or legally authorized act of taking away possessions or property, often for a violation of law or to enforce a judgment imposed by a court of law (droit)
fin., account. foreclosure
fin., social.sc., lab.law. attachment of earnings
int. law., transp., nautic. arrest
IT capture
IT, R&D. data acquisition
law distraint
law, patents. attachment
saisi adj.
food.ind., law condemned
law distrainee
saisie centralisée
: 2 phrases in 1 subject