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pharma. Resolution
econ. resolution
environ. resolution; resolution
law defeasance; determination
law fin. voidance of contract; avoidance
polit. resolution
| d
commun. IT D-star
| une
commun. front page
| assemblée
fin. tech. company meeting
- only individual words found

to phrases
résolution f
anal.chem. resolution (of a photographic emulsion)
chem. dissolution
comp. decision; solution; resolution (capability)
earth.sc. spatial resolution
econ. resolution; resolution EU (UE)
environ. resolution act; resolution A remote sensing term which has three separate applications: 1. spatial resolution, which refers to the ability of a sensor to distinguish between objects that are spatially close to each other. It is a measure of the smallest angular or linear separation between two objects. 2. Spectral resolution which refers to the ability of a sensor to distinguish between objects which are spectrally similar. It is a measure of both the discreteness of wavebands and the sensitivity of the sensor to distinguish between electromagnetic radiation intensity levels. 3. Thermal resolution which refers to the ability of a sensor to distinguish between objects with a similar temperature; parameter (paramètres)
law defeasance; determination; extinction; extinguishment; termination
law, fin. voidance of contract; avoidance
meas.inst. discrimination
polit. resolution (Decision made by an assembly to orient future action of its executive, Décision prise par une assemblée et destinée à orienter l'action future de l'exécutif); resolution Decision made by an assembly to orient future action of its executive (Décision prise par une assemblée et destinée à orienter l'action future de l'exécutif)
tech. resolution power; resolving power
résolution paramètres f
environ. resolution parameter
Résolution f
pharma. Resolution
résolutions d'une
: 32 phrases in 14 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
Nuclear physics4
United Nations1
Радиоактивное излучение2