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gen. floor plan
hobby cultur. shot
industr. construct. met. flat optical tool
IT layout; switching plane; map
life.sc. ground plan
mater.sc. construct. drawing
mech.eng. el. tier
med. flat surface
| en
med. to
| parcelles
tech. land unit
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to phrases
plan m
gen. floor plan
arts. framework; plan
chem. diagram; face; surface; superficies
cinema planning; programming
comp. layer; level; overlay; sheet (in computer graphics and GIS); schedule (de déroulement); timetable (de déroulement)
comp., MS outline (Worksheet data in which rows or columns of detail data are grouped so that you can create summary reports. The outline can summarize either an entire worksheet or a selected portion of it)
construct. plan, ground plan; ichnography; flush; draft; mirror surface; table
environ. plan A scheme of action, a method of proceeding thought out in advance
gear.tr. flat; plane
hobby, cultur. shot; take
industr., construct., met. flat optical tool; flat tool
IT layout; switching plane; map
life.sc. ground plan; ground view
mater.sc., construct. drawing
mech.eng., el. tier
med. flat surface; plane (géométrique; planum)
med.appl. smooth
met. plot
mun.plan. design
rem.sens. plat; plat map; plat plan
textile regulation plan
transp., engl. project; scheme
plans m
engl. blueprints; plans
mater.sc. building plans
 French thesaurus
plan le m
slang Le-mont-de-Piété. la prison
plan en parcelles
: 1 phrase in 1 subject