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ordinateurs portables
patents. portable computers
ordinateur portable
comp. laptop (computer)
comp., MS portable computer (Any computer designed to be moved easily); mobile PC (A portable computer that runs a full version of Windows); computer (Any device capable of processing information to produce a desired result. No matter how large or small they are, computers typically perform their work in three well-defined steps: accepting input, processing the input according to predefined rules (programs), and producing output. There are several ways to categorize computers, including class (ranging from microcomputers to supercomputers), generation (first through fifth generation), and mode of processing (analog versus digital))
dat.proc. laptop
IT laptop computer; laptop PC; briefcase computer; portable; portable computer; lap-top; lap-top computer; notebook computer
 French thesaurus
ordinateur portable
comp., MS PC
ordinateurs portables
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology7